Babies and Children's Therapy Services
The Sally Low Method offers a professional service to babies, children and adolescents. Therapy is designed to assist children in reaching their full potential through a process of promoting and nurturing their strengths. Sally involves parents and caregivers in a journey of discovery and play with their baby/child inviting them into a magical world of sensory stimulation, movement and imagination. She provides a learning environment for developmental milestones to be achieved and progressed. Her work is creative, stimulating and engaging. It brings joy and hope to children and parents.
Some of the conditions treated are:
Developmental Delay
Postural problems (eg torticollis, scoliosis, talipes, toe walking)
Neurological conditions (cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, stroke)
Sensory Processing Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Expected outcomes from treatment:
Improved functional activities eg walking, rolling , reaching
Improved balance and coordination
Improved fine motor skills
Improved mood and better sleep
Improved eye contact and social interaction
Increased confidence and self esteem
Parent education in handling skills, play activities and developmental learning