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Pelvic Possibilities


Improving Pelvic Floor Strength and Sensitivity























“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.” Moshe Feldenkrais



Pelvic Possibilities is an innovative program designed to improve pelvic floor strength, sensitivity and prevent pelvic floor weakness throughout life. The class helps you discover how the pelvic floor is a dynamic system connected to your hips joints, back and core musculature. You will be assisted in mapping the landscape of your body so that you can sense and move the muscles you are wanting to. You will get a clearer image of how the pelvic floor is part of your whole body which changes due to position, fatigue and mood.


Through gentle movements and guided awareness you will explore how your habitual holding patterns have been limiting you in the improvement you have been seeking. You will be given an opportunity to explore through knowledge, compassion and play your unique way of improving control and integrity of your pelvic floor. Pelvic possibilities will improve your sitting, walking and balance responses plus your ability to cough, run and laugh with greater confidence. Give yourself an opportunity to trust the incredible design and intelligence of your body.


Pelvic Possibilities is suitable for:

pre and post pregnancy

recovery from gynecological, spinal or abdominal surgery( hysterectomy, prolapse, back and bowel surgery)


incontinence (leakage of urine)

recurrent urinary tract infections

back and hip pain

pelvic pain

improving sexual function

Anyone interested in improving their general health and well being.


The more we engage in learning about our pelvic floor the clearer this area becomes. You may have seen a Pelvic Floor physiotherapist or you may have done this class with me before. Each time you experience your pelvic floor with awareness and mindfulness you will benefit and discover something new and have the opportunity to improve the integrity of your whole system.

Workshop done fully clothed in a small group setting.

Individual private sessions also available.


Your pelvic floor is important to you no matter what age you are. You are constantly working with the force of gravity. To continue to engage, strengthen and relax this area of your body is vital to your well being and participation in life.


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